Turn Your Notes Into Flashcards, Quizzes & Essays – Instantly!
Upload any file, video, link, or handwritten note
Works in any language, on any device.

Record lectures, turn your pdfs and videos into multiple choice questions, write essays - all with AI

Generate flashcards & multiple choice from lectures & videos

Study Faster
Complete writing solution - write smarter and faster with AI

Write Better
AI notetaker, chatbot, transcription, takeaways & scribe

Let AI Take Notes
Perfect for understanding any material!
We help students turn notes into bite-sized flashcards so you can save time and focus on studying!
1. Upload your lectures, paste your notes or submit a link
2. Autogenerate flashcards in seconds
3. Test yourself or export to Anki/Quizlet
Drop it like it’s hot! 🧯
Upload PDF notes, add youtube links, paste content from the web or import from Google docs. We'll take the information and generate specific and useful flashcard questions you can practice with.

Slay’s AI Magic! 🦄
Slay will analyze your content and automatically convert it into bite-sized flashcards. You can add/edit/delete any cards while you make your own deck.
Questions & Feedback
Type answers to questions and get immediate feedback on your response. Generate variants to keep learning more!
Make flashcards from any material
500,000+ flashcards generated
Supports majority of document formats

Works with Anki, UWorld and Quizlet
More coming soon!
We've answered common questions about Slay School to ensure you understand how it works and benefits your learning journey!
Yes! You can start for free.
Studying today means figuring out what you need to learn, creating an agenda, reading and rereading notes, and then doing quizzes. The high cognitive load and intense focus required makes it hard to study and very time consuming. We make it easier by organizing your notes in a way where they are easy to pick up, saving you hours of study time while improving your learning.
Our software is built on two key premises that have changed the way students learn. The first is our working memory storage capacity (aka our brain) can only hold up to 4 concepts at a time. Normally when studying, a student has to think about what to study, where to find the material, how to avoid getting distracted from their phones, and then reading their notes or doing practice quizzes. We eliminate all of that by taking your notes and providing you the questions and information you need so you gradually improve your learning.
The second concept is spaced repetition. Spaced repetition is a learning technique that leverages the psychological spacing effect to improve the efficiency and retention of acquired knowledge. This method involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time. Instead of cramming all at once, you revisit and review the material multiple times, each time extending the interval between reviews.
Combining these two things allows our software to help you figure out what to study, and do it in a way that promotes better retention.
Yes! Export to Anki, Quizlet and other software so you can study how you study best!
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Trusted by future doctors, used by life long learners!
Slay works for anyone interested in learning concepts faster.